Monday 11 July 2016

perspective .

Suddenly decided to update my blog because I just needed a cathartic outlet to vent my concerns. So BT 2s just ended and I am not exactly sanguine about my results. Subjects that I thought I would do okay turned out to be bad and this does not feel good.

I think the problem lies with too much reading and little practicing. damn it. Of course for math the only way is to practice practice practice and also understand. But for chem and my h1 this time round i acknowledge that i have neglected doing more questions. During the june hols i actually focused more on econs because for BT 1 i was kinda shocked at my econs results. Did not expect those kind of grades.Perhaps i am over-confident and there is a need to change the way i am doing things now.

Please let me find back the motivation i had during O lvls :( i remember ms woo really pushing me to excel and she was really of a great help. I was doing badly in amath, however in lower sec i did really well for math and i guess ms woo couldn't bear to see me doing badly haha.

Shit got real and prelims are coming very soon. If you are also stressed about doing well like me, huehue don't give up now and focus on the present.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

slay me peasants

Haha I realised the title sounds so conceited oh wellz I just couldn't thought of another title.

Yep so what has been going on in my life? Erm just tryna cope with jc lyfe.

Ohmytian tomorrow I have 2 APs :( I seriously hope mr pio changes his math makeup to thursday if not I'm just going to die from the humdrum.

Okay so I have to finish 2 econs essays, make gp notes from articles and probably do some eom amendments. Soooo glad I end school early today, like super early. My last lesson ends at 1230, but we can't leave school till 1pm.

Yep okay I'm lazy to continue with this post so I shall end it here. Bye friendsss

Sunday 26 July 2015


Hello friends!

Yes I know its been quite some time.

But today was really eventful that I thought its worth to do a blog post HAHA.

So... sampan actually crashed my house to give me a birthday surprise.

I was totally not expecting it.

No wonder roxanne asked me for my home phone number. Because i received 2 weirdass calls today. One from the town council and the other from OCBC?! I swear keer just sounds so damn professional LOL.

Yeah so apparently I was damn blur that I cannot even discern that the calls were fake HAHA.

Anyway my dad kinda ruined their plan to surprise me because he picked up the call from 'OCBC' and then he passed the phone over to me saying that it was from my classmate. So yeah i kinda knew what was going on already.... :))))))

Plus this week sampan didn't celebrate my birthday so i thought it was kinda weird, and just decided to put that thought away because we're all busy with school work and other shit. Until dheive asked me if i was free this weekend and she started to search for recipes to make chocolate chip cookies  during GP tutorial hahhah.

But yeah all iz well :) had a really great time today hahhaha although i didn't get to do much work except for listening to derek ng's clinics. Really glad to have such sweet friends in jc ermaigerd

So after the bday surprise at my house, xq maesy lava and myself went to heartland mall for dinner while keer and dheive left. Maesy xq and i stayed at xinwang till 1130pm until my dad came to pick us up haha since we all live in the same area.

Sometimes i can't help but think that i'm really lucky to have met such great friends in jc :))) both OG and CG, they are all such sweet people! Even in dance, I think our batch has really nice people. Overall, SA has nice people lah LOL :D

Good friends indeed brought me respite from the humdrum of jc life

Sunday 28 June 2015

Hi frendz, I have never hated exams this much before.

1 more day to CTs... Ermaigerd.

I've been studying till 1+am for the past few days, waking up around 10-11am :O

Previously in secondary school I can never study past 12/1230 midnight because my soul would literally diffuse out of my soul. Although I have done it once or twice.. and guess what paper was it for. BIOOOOOOO -.-'''

But today, or I mean yesterday (Saturday) I decided to sleep earlier so after publishing this blog post I'm going to zzzzzz. Sleeping at 12 midnight or so its quite a luxury (when Y increases, D increases/ PED > 1/YED>1) (sorz just recapitulating econs LOL) to me haha.

Okay bye friends.

Friday 19 June 2015


Hello friends!

So I finally decided to update my blog this week before the grind really starts :( This week I have been rushing for revision, and yes I'm guilty of procrastinating.

I went for 2 outings this June, can't afford to go for more -.-'''

Just 4 days of CTs and I'm freeeeeee.

Okay actually not. Because PW is a freaking burden to my life :((((( plus promos are also coming.

But anyway I'm looking forward to CCH 76th anniversary event on 4 July :D Its right after CTs, so timely.

Oh dayum I just remembered I might have extra dance prac on 4 July because we need to clean up combi 3 of SYF :( yeah we're just apprehensive of zaki to be honest haha. But luckily I'm pretty clear with combi 1 & 2 so just left with combi 3 to work on :D

*self-proclaimed* Our self-choreographed aces day dance is pretty good as well ;)


Okay friends, till the next post, byeee <3

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Omg, new blog post?

Hi friends haha, yes its a new blog entry in less than a week!

Just had dance today and gawd am I tired. Finished the choreo for aces day and we did combi 1 of SYF piece. Dayum the SYF piece is tiring and complicated.

Plus I had a headache towards the end of dance :( worst feeling ever, because I can't even do my moves properly.


So tomorrow I'll be back in school again for PW meeting, then back to CCHY for Camp Exhibeo stuff and then another meeting outside for finalisation. Tomorrow is a day full of meetings ermaigerd. Then I guess tomorrow night I'll be sleeping at my grandma's place since Friday morning I have to be at CCHY around 6am. Pretty excited for Friday whoop whoop.


bai friends.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Tardy, I know

Heya readers, I know always start off with this "I know I haven't updated in a long while". Haha.

But anyway, its Week 10 whoohoooooo

I'm totally pumped for the holidays.

Actually, not quite. Because I'll be busy studying for CTs :(((

CAMP EXHIBEO is coming soon :D Really can't wait to see the fruits of our labour. AYW EXCOs and SL Camp PLs really toiled for the camp so hopefully it all turns out well and just as what we wish to achieve from the camp.

Hint: This camp is totally different from ANY camps that CCHY has ever planned. Enjoy guise.


I just had a 4.5 hour dance practice today and it wasn't that bad after all... Because Mr Zaki just spoke a lot admin matters. I was legit scared for his class before practice today because he seems to be really like critical. Luckily today was just settling admin matters. I really like Ms Wee's technique lessons :))) The technique that I'm learning now is pretty different from my chinese dance days haha. But somehow the basics are still there, all the hand and feet positions, posture and da feelz. You know that innate dancer feel. Yeah.

So I got into dance exco.. Which means I have more things to commit myself to. Haha. But I really enjoy dance and being part of AYW, so these are actually the avenues of my cathartic release of stress.


Please, school. End faster. 2 MORE FREAKING DAYSSS. Friday 4pm, I'm waiting for your arrival.