Thursday 11 December 2014

monotony kills :(

I'm starting to get bored with holidays hahah...  

What do you think of our 'temporary' AYW logo? :D
I got really annoyed while editing it on line camera. Here's the before and after!

Not bad eh? Although there are still some spots that are rather unsightly, it looks good from afar anyway haha.


I watched soooooo many videos this holiday, its unbelievable. Recently I watched 16 个夏天 on drama cool and I can safely say that this is the best drama I've watched this year. Its really poignant and just so much feelzzzz, 我超级喜欢!!!

And the male lead, at first he just looks like a crude casanova and hooligan, but the more you watch him, the more you will grow to find him attractive ermaigerd. :D

I think the female lead really resembles the model for Jean Yip. I believe she is Jean Yip's daughter haha, I mean the model.

The OST for this drama is <3 <3<3. I sing it everywhere I go. 以后别做朋友~~~ 朋友不能牵手~


This Sunday is my mum's birthday!!! We're celebrating it on Saturday at Dempsey Hill yipeeeee
I've never been to dempsey, but I heard that its quite an atas area with lots of restaurants and booze. We're going to eat at a Japanese restaurant which ladyironchef recommended on his blog. Hopefully its good, because he listed this at one of his favourite Japanese restaurants.


Ohyaa I went for a karaoke session with Roxanne Kate and Shimin last week at SSC and it was really awesome hahaha. I think its best to go with a group of friends who have similar music preferences as yourself because the atmosphere gets heated up easily :DDD


Felicia is back from her holiday!!! Can't wait to catch up with next week :)))

I am actually really stoked to work with AYW EXCO 2015 as well our members of 2015. That's why I can't wait for 18 Dec to come because after the N Level results are out then we can confirm our members and get started on it properly.

Please follow us on instagram @cchyayw to show some support!!!! Juniors are welcomed!

I really had the urge to follow the sec 4s insta accounts but Zul said to wait till 18 Dec :(((

I wanted to reveal some stuff here but... I shall leave it for the future :)


I need to buy more winter wear for my Taiwan trip! Although I have some old stuff in the closet... hehe... NEW CLOTHES PUH LEASE. And alarmingly, so many of my school peeps went to Taiwan this year?! I guess nobody wanted to risk travelling to Hong Kong due to the protests haha~  That's why Taiwan's number of tourist arrivals and receipts are augmenting this year. Good for you Taiwan, good for you. ;)

My new online retail obsession is Zalora. I really adore that website. <3
So far I've made 2 purchases and I really liked it! Delivery is pretty fast, unless you bought it during Black Friday season, which I did and my package took a really long time to come. I had to email them. But the customer service was really efficient, so thumbs up for them!


Okay that's it. I don't know when will be the next time I'm updating this blog. Maybe next week?


Thursday 27 November 2014

chasing pavements .

Just came back from SL camp and even though us seniors didn't played much, we're still tired lol. Haiya, 老了就是老了.

Went back to school to attend a farewell party organised by our fellow juniors :D Thank you juniors for the preparation! Especially the EXCOs :))) this year was definitely a taxing year for you guys... But hang in there, you're all gonna step down really soon hahaha.

I'm too lazy to upload photos... Sorreh...

Went to dance camp last week and it was really awesomeeee. But my legs were hurting so much for the next 3 days. I swear its the worst muscle ache I've ever experienced. I swear.

Ohyaaa I'm flying to Taiwan on Christmas eve and I'll be coming back on the last day of the year hehe. Can't wait to see BB at the countdown party!!! Ermaigerd. So the govt. only invited BB because they're celebrating SG50 for the entire year of 2015 -.-

I just wanna escape from this humid country... Christmas eve please come soooon.

AYW election was held today and I could not believe it ended that quickly. Anyways, I was elected to the position that I hoped for so I'm fine haha. Never thought that they would count the votes ON THE SPOT. Made me kinda nervous lololol

Okay thats it for this post, just a short update. 再见!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

boredom strikes...

So... I didn't turned up for RED Camp haha. Roxanne signed up but didn't went for it so I felt kinda lost that she's not going. Was supposed to go with Timie instead, however Mindy asked for her company so I predicted that it would be awkward to go with them since both of them were close friends in lower sec.

Anywayz, its just RED Camp, no biggie.

Can't wait to head back to school for dance camp this Friday and Saturday for open house!!! I really miss school now that I've graduated. SC Camp and AYW Selection are next week. Yipeeeeeee
Can't wait to see my fellow dance and SC juniors :)))

Ooh and also, Timie Theresia and I are going for a lunch date with Ms Woo after open house hahhaha. I hope its not gonna be awkward, have never dined with a teacher before. Oh wait, with the exception of Mr Tey since he always calls for makan sessions with some of the sec 4 SCs :P

Its such a bugbear to clear my study area. Its such a burden. Such a chore. Such a monotony. Such a humdrum. Lol.

Ohyes, I went to gardens by the bay with Peh Theresia and Timie on Monday. SUPA AWESOME. But too bad, I had a headache for half of the day, so I wasn't in much of a cheery mood.

Anyway, here are some pictures!

Actually I think I almost broke my back doing this jump. I haven't done this in a looong time haha.
And my bottom feet is grotesque. Not pointed at all > <'''

Okay thats it for this post. Might be posting pictures from this friday and saturday's practice.


Sunday 16 November 2014

New Blog!

Hey guise!

I had to create a new blog because... I forgot the username and password to my previous blog LOL

Going out with the girls to town tomorrow! Can't wait :D

I just purchased my first laptop evarrrr, enjoying it pretty well :)

Until the next post, bye!