Friday 27 February 2015

Basically Lackadaisical

Hello readers!

So its been about 2 week of official lessons and I am currently about to announce my demise LOL.

Everything is just piling up. Tutorials, reading up of notes, tests and quizzes , CCA commitment. Yeah these are just the tip of the iceberg. By the way, I'm glad that I withdrew out of SC selection haha... After 2 weeks of official lessons, I cannot imagine myself joining SC and coping with academics :O

I had brain farts today during chem tutorial haha. Lavaniya had to explain that back titration question to me umpteen times before I finally kinda acquiesced that I understood the question. But anyway in the end my mind was still in a whirlwind haha. I have to redo the questions again this weekend to fully comprehend it.

First dance practice was on Wednesday and it was rather okay~ We just did the basics and then went home LOL. I think there would be quite a number of people pulling out from dance haha, just saying.

I have A TON of things to do this weekend. Plus I have  meeting a with AYW excos tomorrow night and our first AYW public event at CCHM on Sunday :D  Pretty busy weekend.

Next week is X-country and Ashleigh's bday woohoo! Pretty sure the OG girls are planning something hehe. And speaking about X-country, I have lessons till 6.30pm on this coming Monday for bio make-up lesson :( Its already bad enough to wait 3 hours just to have PE at 4.30pm every Monday. And now I have to stay back for bio after PE. NUUUUUUUU

Okay I have to do some math lecture stuff now and then plan what I want to complete tomorrow. Byeeeee

Friday 13 February 2015

Honeymoon Ends Soon

Hello peopleeee!

I had a short day in school today hence I'm back home early after eating lunch with Roxanne at nex :D  Thank you higher chinese, I am able to bask in this bliss of going home early ;)

So this week is the first week of official lessons for J1s and I thought that it was going to be hellish, but turns out better than expected haha. My classmates were all really sweet and caring!!! Plus the 3 indian girls that I'm closer with, they are really comical people LOL. Throughout primary and secondary, I've frankly only made chinese friends haha. But my class has many malay and indian girls so it is inevitable that I'm making friends with them too hahaha

I swear JC sucks money out of me. Every time there are lecture notes, tutorials and revision packages to be collected, we have to pay money haha. No textbooks needed at all.

And other peculiar thing is that even though I might only have 2 lectures for the day, I still feel so tired when I get home. The degree of how exhausted I am is twice or even thrice compared to secondary school. Not sure why too :(

One of my classmate has an uncanny resemblance to qishuang hhhahah. But now when I look at it again, they actually have rather different features.

My econs lecturer speaks seriously like a machine gun HAHA. I feel like a fellow comrade of hers when I'm in her class, penning down notes furiously just like stocking up on ammunition for a war in the LT.

And my bio teacher is such a sweet person!!! I was initially dreading some old hag LOL.

Oh yes, I have to tell you guys about my SC interview experience haha. It was THE MOST intense interview of my life. I swear the tension in the room was soooo high. My friend even told me that there was one guy in her group that almost cried. This was how tense it was. But anyway, its over hahhaha. Just awaiting the results now... I'm not very confident that I'll get in lah, because I also don't know if they are looking for individuals like me even though I led council in my secondary school days.
The dance trial dates are not out yet ermaigerd... I hope its next week, if not its too late.


There is something that I have come to a realisation this week. I've heard this many times before I entered JC, but after experiencing it for myself, its a fact.

You've got to be very very independent and self-disciplined in JC.

Its true.

Teachers in JC give a fairly large degree of liberty to students in terms of academics and even other matters, so being independent is a very big part of JC life. For example, collecting notes yourself, reading up on topics ahead, doing self study on certain chapters. Additionally, there are some days when you'll have 2-4 hour breaks depending on your subject combi. These breaks are spent up to your discretion. Its either you waste these hours away playing with your phone, or use this time to revise and read up on notes or do tutorials. ITS YOUR CHOICE HAHA.


Well that is all for this blogpost, bye guys!

Thursday 5 February 2015


Ermaigerd orientation is officially over :(((

Lessons are officially starting tomorrow D: NUUUUUU

But on the brighter side, I truly enjoyed orientation!!! ÆRETI 2015!!! IPHEDIUS!!! SURYANTO!!! Its just really well planned and they've done a very good job :D I'm serious haha, coming from experience of planning S1OC'14.

The first day was just awkward... No other adjectives to describe it. I was constantly checking the time, counting down to 6pm when it was time to go home and stray away from being an awkward turtle.

But after the second day onwards, everyone was getting used to one another. I was still constantly checking the time, but it was because I was tired from all the fun and games I had with my OG hahahahah :D

Before I got into SA, I heard that their school spirit is really strong. But now that I'm part of the family, I swearrrr that they just hold so much pride in their culture and I really admire that! This was never really evident in CCHY haha, because chinese school students are more shy towards expressing their zest LOL. When we all sang the collage hymn together at the cc, putting each others arms over shoulders and swaying to the music, it was such a touching moment :')

I am kinda dreading tomorrow... But pretty sure we're gonna end school early because its our first day of 'official lessons'.

I would say that the wet games was the highlight. EVERYONE was soaked. They really did a good job trying to get everyone wet. ( not in a negative connotation you dirty minded people haha)

Yep, this was taken after wet games.


Couple dance was damn awkward at first but I guess I got a pretty good partner haha, he's damn goofy and peculiar hahahah. But this year's couple dance got a lot of skinship... :O I don't even think the couple dance from other JCs are this intimate. If you're curious, go and watch the couple dance video on Youtube!

Might be having our 2nd OG dinner tomorrow after school :D Can't wait to see everyone again tomorrow!!!


Anyway after all this blabbering about orientation... my bottom line is... COME TO SA!!!
Its a little far for most of my juniors at CCHY since I prognosticate that most of you guys stay in the north. But you can just take 857 from Yishun Int directly to the junior school and enter the jc by the bridge.
SA is pretty convenient for me because I just have to take a direct train :)

My batch as far as I know, only Roxanne Meranda Caroline and myself are in SA, so there's like not many CCHY people here honestly. BUT FEAR NOT, you'll make new friends very quickly. All 4 of us are in different OGs but we all made friends during orientation!

Ohya, tomorrow we're going to wear half-u because its a friday. But I can't wait to take a picture with everyone on monday when we all wear full uniform :D


By the way, I'm going to taeyang's concert this sunday!!! Omggg how am I supposed to go to school the next day D:

Okay until next time, bye!