Sunday 26 April 2015

the grass looks greener on the other side

Hello readers, I know I have not updated this blog for quite some time haha.

My parents are now in Europe, enjoying the time of their lives. And I'm here trapped in sunny Singapore, with a daily dosage of the shit-ness from JC :D

But I'm blessed to have friends that make JC life more bearable <3

Met up with Ellysha, Jinhao and Yuvan yesterday for PW and we laughed until we almost died. Jinhao is such a sister LOL. Or sissy. I really don't know HAHA.

PW is really such a burden ermaigawd. But luckily I have really hilarious group mates HAHA.

SC Commendation was on Wednesday and oh my tian the cathedral is so beautifuuuul. But it was travesty that my class was seated on the second level because we observed the commendation through a freaking camera?! Whut.

Afterwards sampan 6 went to dhoby for lunch and GUESS WHO WE SAW? ;;;;)

Okay that's it. I have a lot of things to get done :((((

On hindsight, we are finally going to resume dance yayyy! And SL Camp is coming soon, so AYW would also be pretty busy.


Friday 10 April 2015

the banality is coming to an end . soon .

Hello readers, so this is going to be another short post because I just needed a cathartic outlet to lament about school. Yep.

I'm just feeling insecure about chemistry now... Xiuqi was telling me the same thing today as well. You know that crappy feeling when you receive disgusting results haha, I felt that a few hours ago. And then comes a surge of disappointment and resentment.

I have this habit of expecting myself to do way better than before whenever I score badly, which leads to me getting nervous and I start to flounder during the actual test/exam. And of course, usually when I panic, I don't do as well.

I actually successfully got rid of this 'anxiety' thing towards O levels, but now its coming back again. Oh gawd, I really have to just keep myself calm and composed.

But don't worry guise, I am not exceptionally emo or sad about a tiny lecture test. To be honest, I'm actually kinda used to this. Trust me, I've been through much much tougher times. Although its blatant that its going to get even tougher in JC lol. I still remember when I was in upper sec, many of my classmates actually cried whenever they don't do well. Because you know, being the first class we do have higher expectations of ourselves haha.

So I'm left with 2 MSAs and then I'm done phew. I think ashleigh finished her MSAs already ermaigerd. So shiok.

Ohyes, next friday night is Life Concert! What a great way to end my MSAs :DDD Hopefully sampan 6 will row there ;)

bai bai

Saturday 4 April 2015

i can't wait for this to end .

Hello beautiful/handsome readers ;)

I'm about to head out to meet Roxanne for lunch before going to school for dance orientation :D Quite looking forward to it.

And guess what, my plan to wake up early this morning thwarted. Yep. So basically I have not done any work today yet :(

I'm currently still in the midst of MSAs, which is equivalent to tests lah because its 5% of the total promo grade. So this coming week I have Math MSA and the following week is the worst, I have Bio and Chem MSA. :(

So after my MSAs I'll probably be busy with AYW events because one of our major events is coming soon in June. We'll be meeting up the new EXCOs from SC and PSL next next week. To be honest, I actually miss having meetings LOL. Its much better than going to school hahah. Luckily my CTs are after June holidays :)

Oh yes, to AYW members reading this now, take note that we'll be calling out for orders of the new AYW shirt and card soon. Not confirmed how we're going to do it but it'll be pretty soon so keep a lookout on our social media sites. CCHY Alumni Youth Wing (Facebook page) and @cchyayw on Instagram.

Okay this is a rather short post but I have to run along. Thanks for the support on my blog, perhaps I could become the next top blogger HAHA (yeah right -.- ).