Sunday 26 April 2015

the grass looks greener on the other side

Hello readers, I know I have not updated this blog for quite some time haha.

My parents are now in Europe, enjoying the time of their lives. And I'm here trapped in sunny Singapore, with a daily dosage of the shit-ness from JC :D

But I'm blessed to have friends that make JC life more bearable <3

Met up with Ellysha, Jinhao and Yuvan yesterday for PW and we laughed until we almost died. Jinhao is such a sister LOL. Or sissy. I really don't know HAHA.

PW is really such a burden ermaigawd. But luckily I have really hilarious group mates HAHA.

SC Commendation was on Wednesday and oh my tian the cathedral is so beautifuuuul. But it was travesty that my class was seated on the second level because we observed the commendation through a freaking camera?! Whut.

Afterwards sampan 6 went to dhoby for lunch and GUESS WHO WE SAW? ;;;;)

Okay that's it. I have a lot of things to get done :((((

On hindsight, we are finally going to resume dance yayyy! And SL Camp is coming soon, so AYW would also be pretty busy.


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