Saturday 10 January 2015

S1OC'15 Campfire Night!

S1OC'15 Campfire night was yesterday and it was the first ever indoor campfire I've ever attended LOL. It drizzled a little so we had to move up to the MPH. 

Attended the campfire with the fellow AYW peeps and it was awesomeeee :DDD

Haha aloy's unimpressed face XD


Met up with primary school friends last week :D 

It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be haha, we still had the same sense of humour and xinying still likes to tease sotong :P

Hope to meet these girls soon! We plan to meet again next month for CNY so hopefully it works out well :)


2 more days before I collect my results :O


I swear the nearer it gets to 12 Jan, the more torturous it gets. So many possibilities are flashing in my mind. So many ' what-ifs ' :OOO

If you're reading this and you're collecting your results on 12 Jan, may the force be with you! 

One thing that I'm really curious would be Mrs Lee's reaction to our results hahahah


I'm currently watching Birth of a Beauty :D 

Its a k-drama and I've only watched up till episode 3 but its really good <3 
But its a little similar to 200 pounds of beauty for the idea of the plot. 


Okay bye I'm going to watch my drama (pun intended) 

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