Friday 2 January 2015

Family Trip to Taiwan!

Hey guise! I just came back from Taiwan 2 days ago on NYE just in time for the countdown :D

I swear 8 days passed by damn fast... :(

But the trip was really fun and the people in my tour group were pretty nice. :)

At first I saw this guy in my tour group and my first impression of him was... HE LOOKS LIKE WESLEY FROM WONGFU AND MOMO!!!!
But after a few days later, I found out that actually there's only a minor resemblance LOL.

I guess the highlight of the trip would have to be that super amazing roller coaster at Leofoo Themepark.


Luckily the wongfu lookalike guy volunteered to ride it with me, or else I wouldn't dare to ride it alone hahaha.

And we actually rode it twice. :D

Cingjing Farm was also <3

I never knew Taiwan has such a picturesque and serene place :O

Not gonna let the scenery go to waste, hence a dance-y pic ;)


I'm so elated that I'm gonna meet my primary school best friends tomorrow!!! Can't believe we actually have not met for 4 years?! Too busy with secondary school is my excuse :P

We'll probably have not enough time to chat about our life happenings for the past 4 years tomorrow haha~



If you have not followed CCHY AYW's instagram account @cchyayw, PLEASE DO SO! :D

Our Facebook page is a public page so feel free to join in ( CCHY Alumni Youth Wing) !

These social media platforms will be updated regularly accordingly with AYW activities in 2015 :)

Plus! AYW EXCO 2014, EXCO 2015 and Project Leaders 2015 will be coming to S1OC'15 campfire night on 9 Jan 2015. Remember to show some love!

okay bye.

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