Tuesday 11 August 2015

slay me peasants

Haha I realised the title sounds so conceited oh wellz I just couldn't thought of another title.

Yep so what has been going on in my life? Erm just tryna cope with jc lyfe.

Ohmytian tomorrow I have 2 APs :( I seriously hope mr pio changes his math makeup to thursday if not I'm just going to die from the humdrum.

Okay so I have to finish 2 econs essays, make gp notes from articles and probably do some eom amendments. Soooo glad I end school early today, like super early. My last lesson ends at 1230, but we can't leave school till 1pm.

Yep okay I'm lazy to continue with this post so I shall end it here. Bye friendsss

Sunday 26 July 2015


Hello friends!

Yes I know its been quite some time.

But today was really eventful that I thought its worth to do a blog post HAHA.

So... sampan actually crashed my house to give me a birthday surprise.

I was totally not expecting it.

No wonder roxanne asked me for my home phone number. Because i received 2 weirdass calls today. One from the town council and the other from OCBC?! I swear keer just sounds so damn professional LOL.

Yeah so apparently I was damn blur that I cannot even discern that the calls were fake HAHA.

Anyway my dad kinda ruined their plan to surprise me because he picked up the call from 'OCBC' and then he passed the phone over to me saying that it was from my classmate. So yeah i kinda knew what was going on already.... :))))))

Plus this week sampan didn't celebrate my birthday so i thought it was kinda weird, and just decided to put that thought away because we're all busy with school work and other shit. Until dheive asked me if i was free this weekend and she started to search for recipes to make chocolate chip cookies  during GP tutorial hahhah.

But yeah all iz well :) had a really great time today hahhaha although i didn't get to do much work except for listening to derek ng's clinics. Really glad to have such sweet friends in jc ermaigerd

So after the bday surprise at my house, xq maesy lava and myself went to heartland mall for dinner while keer and dheive left. Maesy xq and i stayed at xinwang till 1130pm until my dad came to pick us up haha since we all live in the same area.

Sometimes i can't help but think that i'm really lucky to have met such great friends in jc :))) both OG and CG, they are all such sweet people! Even in dance, I think our batch has really nice people. Overall, SA has nice people lah LOL :D

Good friends indeed brought me respite from the humdrum of jc life

Sunday 28 June 2015

Hi frendz, I have never hated exams this much before.

1 more day to CTs... Ermaigerd.

I've been studying till 1+am for the past few days, waking up around 10-11am :O

Previously in secondary school I can never study past 12/1230 midnight because my soul would literally diffuse out of my soul. Although I have done it once or twice.. and guess what paper was it for. BIOOOOOOO -.-'''

But today, or I mean yesterday (Saturday) I decided to sleep earlier so after publishing this blog post I'm going to zzzzzz. Sleeping at 12 midnight or so its quite a luxury (when Y increases, D increases/ PED > 1/YED>1) (sorz just recapitulating econs LOL) to me haha.

Okay bye friends.

Friday 19 June 2015


Hello friends!

So I finally decided to update my blog this week before the grind really starts :( This week I have been rushing for revision, and yes I'm guilty of procrastinating.

I went for 2 outings this June, can't afford to go for more -.-'''

Just 4 days of CTs and I'm freeeeeee.

Okay actually not. Because PW is a freaking burden to my life :((((( plus promos are also coming.

But anyway I'm looking forward to CCH 76th anniversary event on 4 July :D Its right after CTs, so timely.

Oh dayum I just remembered I might have extra dance prac on 4 July because we need to clean up combi 3 of SYF :( yeah we're just apprehensive of zaki to be honest haha. But luckily I'm pretty clear with combi 1 & 2 so just left with combi 3 to work on :D

*self-proclaimed* Our self-choreographed aces day dance is pretty good as well ;)


Okay friends, till the next post, byeee <3

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Omg, new blog post?

Hi friends haha, yes its a new blog entry in less than a week!

Just had dance today and gawd am I tired. Finished the choreo for aces day and we did combi 1 of SYF piece. Dayum the SYF piece is tiring and complicated.

Plus I had a headache towards the end of dance :( worst feeling ever, because I can't even do my moves properly.


So tomorrow I'll be back in school again for PW meeting, then back to CCHY for Camp Exhibeo stuff and then another meeting outside for finalisation. Tomorrow is a day full of meetings ermaigerd. Then I guess tomorrow night I'll be sleeping at my grandma's place since Friday morning I have to be at CCHY around 6am. Pretty excited for Friday whoop whoop.


bai friends.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Tardy, I know

Heya readers, I know always start off with this "I know I haven't updated in a long while". Haha.

But anyway, its Week 10 whoohoooooo

I'm totally pumped for the holidays.

Actually, not quite. Because I'll be busy studying for CTs :(((

CAMP EXHIBEO is coming soon :D Really can't wait to see the fruits of our labour. AYW EXCOs and SL Camp PLs really toiled for the camp so hopefully it all turns out well and just as what we wish to achieve from the camp.

Hint: This camp is totally different from ANY camps that CCHY has ever planned. Enjoy guise.


I just had a 4.5 hour dance practice today and it wasn't that bad after all... Because Mr Zaki just spoke a lot admin matters. I was legit scared for his class before practice today because he seems to be really like critical. Luckily today was just settling admin matters. I really like Ms Wee's technique lessons :))) The technique that I'm learning now is pretty different from my chinese dance days haha. But somehow the basics are still there, all the hand and feet positions, posture and da feelz. You know that innate dancer feel. Yeah.

So I got into dance exco.. Which means I have more things to commit myself to. Haha. But I really enjoy dance and being part of AYW, so these are actually the avenues of my cathartic release of stress.


Please, school. End faster. 2 MORE FREAKING DAYSSS. Friday 4pm, I'm waiting for your arrival.

Sunday 26 April 2015

the grass looks greener on the other side

Hello readers, I know I have not updated this blog for quite some time haha.

My parents are now in Europe, enjoying the time of their lives. And I'm here trapped in sunny Singapore, with a daily dosage of the shit-ness from JC :D

But I'm blessed to have friends that make JC life more bearable <3

Met up with Ellysha, Jinhao and Yuvan yesterday for PW and we laughed until we almost died. Jinhao is such a sister LOL. Or sissy. I really don't know HAHA.

PW is really such a burden ermaigawd. But luckily I have really hilarious group mates HAHA.

SC Commendation was on Wednesday and oh my tian the cathedral is so beautifuuuul. But it was travesty that my class was seated on the second level because we observed the commendation through a freaking camera?! Whut.

Afterwards sampan 6 went to dhoby for lunch and GUESS WHO WE SAW? ;;;;)

Okay that's it. I have a lot of things to get done :((((

On hindsight, we are finally going to resume dance yayyy! And SL Camp is coming soon, so AYW would also be pretty busy.


Friday 10 April 2015

the banality is coming to an end . soon .

Hello readers, so this is going to be another short post because I just needed a cathartic outlet to lament about school. Yep.

I'm just feeling insecure about chemistry now... Xiuqi was telling me the same thing today as well. You know that crappy feeling when you receive disgusting results haha, I felt that a few hours ago. And then comes a surge of disappointment and resentment.

I have this habit of expecting myself to do way better than before whenever I score badly, which leads to me getting nervous and I start to flounder during the actual test/exam. And of course, usually when I panic, I don't do as well.

I actually successfully got rid of this 'anxiety' thing towards O levels, but now its coming back again. Oh gawd, I really have to just keep myself calm and composed.

But don't worry guise, I am not exceptionally emo or sad about a tiny lecture test. To be honest, I'm actually kinda used to this. Trust me, I've been through much much tougher times. Although its blatant that its going to get even tougher in JC lol. I still remember when I was in upper sec, many of my classmates actually cried whenever they don't do well. Because you know, being the first class we do have higher expectations of ourselves haha.

So I'm left with 2 MSAs and then I'm done phew. I think ashleigh finished her MSAs already ermaigerd. So shiok.

Ohyes, next friday night is Life Concert! What a great way to end my MSAs :DDD Hopefully sampan 6 will row there ;)

bai bai

Saturday 4 April 2015

i can't wait for this to end .

Hello beautiful/handsome readers ;)

I'm about to head out to meet Roxanne for lunch before going to school for dance orientation :D Quite looking forward to it.

And guess what, my plan to wake up early this morning thwarted. Yep. So basically I have not done any work today yet :(

I'm currently still in the midst of MSAs, which is equivalent to tests lah because its 5% of the total promo grade. So this coming week I have Math MSA and the following week is the worst, I have Bio and Chem MSA. :(

So after my MSAs I'll probably be busy with AYW events because one of our major events is coming soon in June. We'll be meeting up the new EXCOs from SC and PSL next next week. To be honest, I actually miss having meetings LOL. Its much better than going to school hahah. Luckily my CTs are after June holidays :)

Oh yes, to AYW members reading this now, take note that we'll be calling out for orders of the new AYW shirt and card soon. Not confirmed how we're going to do it but it'll be pretty soon so keep a lookout on our social media sites. CCHY Alumni Youth Wing (Facebook page) and @cchyayw on Instagram.

Okay this is a rather short post but I have to run along. Thanks for the support on my blog, perhaps I could become the next top blogger HAHA (yeah right -.- ).

Monday 16 March 2015

holiday in disguise

Hello my beautiful friends :)

How are you spending your first week of the March holidays? I bet you secondary school kids are pretty much relaxed... JC kids are still having lessons because our exams are nearing -.-'''

Today is actually the last school day of term 1 for most of my school mates. EXCEPT FOR ME. Sad life of taking bio :( I have bio tutorial tomorrow from 1030-1200. Afterwards I have chem consultation which I have not yet prepared because I spent my weekend doing PW, econs and math. Yesh.

I swear PW is such a burden... It almost took up my entire saturday *sobs*

Ohya, I am close friends with indians for the first time in my life. Not being racist here, but its the truth haha. Hi Lavaniya, if you're reading this  :)))) <3


Just after 2 months of being a JC student, O levels is like a child's play now. I know you sec 4 kids out there are gonna roll your eyes reading this haha, because I rolled my eyes at my seniors back then when they told me ' O level is nothing '. Indeed, it is nothing after all.


So far dance has been... nothing much? We only had 2 practices so far haha, damn slack. And I don't think they're allowing J1s to join SYF :( Probably because there's no trials this year.

I'm so glad I relinquished going for the Chongfu alumni dance thingy because I seriously cannot imagine going for practice almost every weekend when I already have so little time on hand.



Xiaxue released her gush cloud expose part 2 last weekend I think and to be honest, I'm kinda tired of all these drama. But she's really damn sweg, almost like a professional investigator.

And qiuqiu gave birth! Her daughter's name is really pretty :))) it was actually what I wanted to name my future daughter, but yeah after I found out her daughter's name is Meredith, my heart sank a little.


Roxanne's birthday is this weekend and I'm super stoked to celebrate it with her and Shezzy this friday!!! I'm going to holland v, again. Yeah I actually think that I can be a tour guide there.

Okay bai.

Friday 27 February 2015

Basically Lackadaisical

Hello readers!

So its been about 2 week of official lessons and I am currently about to announce my demise LOL.

Everything is just piling up. Tutorials, reading up of notes, tests and quizzes , CCA commitment. Yeah these are just the tip of the iceberg. By the way, I'm glad that I withdrew out of SC selection haha... After 2 weeks of official lessons, I cannot imagine myself joining SC and coping with academics :O

I had brain farts today during chem tutorial haha. Lavaniya had to explain that back titration question to me umpteen times before I finally kinda acquiesced that I understood the question. But anyway in the end my mind was still in a whirlwind haha. I have to redo the questions again this weekend to fully comprehend it.

First dance practice was on Wednesday and it was rather okay~ We just did the basics and then went home LOL. I think there would be quite a number of people pulling out from dance haha, just saying.

I have A TON of things to do this weekend. Plus I have  meeting a with AYW excos tomorrow night and our first AYW public event at CCHM on Sunday :D  Pretty busy weekend.

Next week is X-country and Ashleigh's bday woohoo! Pretty sure the OG girls are planning something hehe. And speaking about X-country, I have lessons till 6.30pm on this coming Monday for bio make-up lesson :( Its already bad enough to wait 3 hours just to have PE at 4.30pm every Monday. And now I have to stay back for bio after PE. NUUUUUUUU

Okay I have to do some math lecture stuff now and then plan what I want to complete tomorrow. Byeeeee

Friday 13 February 2015

Honeymoon Ends Soon

Hello peopleeee!

I had a short day in school today hence I'm back home early after eating lunch with Roxanne at nex :D  Thank you higher chinese, I am able to bask in this bliss of going home early ;)

So this week is the first week of official lessons for J1s and I thought that it was going to be hellish, but turns out better than expected haha. My classmates were all really sweet and caring!!! Plus the 3 indian girls that I'm closer with, they are really comical people LOL. Throughout primary and secondary, I've frankly only made chinese friends haha. But my class has many malay and indian girls so it is inevitable that I'm making friends with them too hahaha

I swear JC sucks money out of me. Every time there are lecture notes, tutorials and revision packages to be collected, we have to pay money haha. No textbooks needed at all.

And other peculiar thing is that even though I might only have 2 lectures for the day, I still feel so tired when I get home. The degree of how exhausted I am is twice or even thrice compared to secondary school. Not sure why too :(

One of my classmate has an uncanny resemblance to qishuang hhhahah. But now when I look at it again, they actually have rather different features.

My econs lecturer speaks seriously like a machine gun HAHA. I feel like a fellow comrade of hers when I'm in her class, penning down notes furiously just like stocking up on ammunition for a war in the LT.

And my bio teacher is such a sweet person!!! I was initially dreading some old hag LOL.

Oh yes, I have to tell you guys about my SC interview experience haha. It was THE MOST intense interview of my life. I swear the tension in the room was soooo high. My friend even told me that there was one guy in her group that almost cried. This was how tense it was. But anyway, its over hahhaha. Just awaiting the results now... I'm not very confident that I'll get in lah, because I also don't know if they are looking for individuals like me even though I led council in my secondary school days.
The dance trial dates are not out yet ermaigerd... I hope its next week, if not its too late.


There is something that I have come to a realisation this week. I've heard this many times before I entered JC, but after experiencing it for myself, its a fact.

You've got to be very very independent and self-disciplined in JC.

Its true.

Teachers in JC give a fairly large degree of liberty to students in terms of academics and even other matters, so being independent is a very big part of JC life. For example, collecting notes yourself, reading up on topics ahead, doing self study on certain chapters. Additionally, there are some days when you'll have 2-4 hour breaks depending on your subject combi. These breaks are spent up to your discretion. Its either you waste these hours away playing with your phone, or use this time to revise and read up on notes or do tutorials. ITS YOUR CHOICE HAHA.


Well that is all for this blogpost, bye guys!

Thursday 5 February 2015


Ermaigerd orientation is officially over :(((

Lessons are officially starting tomorrow D: NUUUUUU

But on the brighter side, I truly enjoyed orientation!!! ÆRETI 2015!!! IPHEDIUS!!! SURYANTO!!! Its just really well planned and they've done a very good job :D I'm serious haha, coming from experience of planning S1OC'14.

The first day was just awkward... No other adjectives to describe it. I was constantly checking the time, counting down to 6pm when it was time to go home and stray away from being an awkward turtle.

But after the second day onwards, everyone was getting used to one another. I was still constantly checking the time, but it was because I was tired from all the fun and games I had with my OG hahahahah :D

Before I got into SA, I heard that their school spirit is really strong. But now that I'm part of the family, I swearrrr that they just hold so much pride in their culture and I really admire that! This was never really evident in CCHY haha, because chinese school students are more shy towards expressing their zest LOL. When we all sang the collage hymn together at the cc, putting each others arms over shoulders and swaying to the music, it was such a touching moment :')

I am kinda dreading tomorrow... But pretty sure we're gonna end school early because its our first day of 'official lessons'.

I would say that the wet games was the highlight. EVERYONE was soaked. They really did a good job trying to get everyone wet. ( not in a negative connotation you dirty minded people haha)

Yep, this was taken after wet games.


Couple dance was damn awkward at first but I guess I got a pretty good partner haha, he's damn goofy and peculiar hahahah. But this year's couple dance got a lot of skinship... :O I don't even think the couple dance from other JCs are this intimate. If you're curious, go and watch the couple dance video on Youtube!

Might be having our 2nd OG dinner tomorrow after school :D Can't wait to see everyone again tomorrow!!!


Anyway after all this blabbering about orientation... my bottom line is... COME TO SA!!!
Its a little far for most of my juniors at CCHY since I prognosticate that most of you guys stay in the north. But you can just take 857 from Yishun Int directly to the junior school and enter the jc by the bridge.
SA is pretty convenient for me because I just have to take a direct train :)

My batch as far as I know, only Roxanne Meranda Caroline and myself are in SA, so there's like not many CCHY people here honestly. BUT FEAR NOT, you'll make new friends very quickly. All 4 of us are in different OGs but we all made friends during orientation!

Ohya, tomorrow we're going to wear half-u because its a friday. But I can't wait to take a picture with everyone on monday when we all wear full uniform :D


By the way, I'm going to taeyang's concert this sunday!!! Omggg how am I supposed to go to school the next day D:

Okay until next time, bye!

Thursday 29 January 2015

Fresh Crisp Page

So today is the day of JAE posting and... I landed in the home of saints. Geddit? ;)

Received the message notification at 6.14am LOL. I thought it would come later in the evening.

I seriously had the urge to reply the message haha.

And I can't believe Roxanne and I are going to go to the same school again :P

Pretty apprehensive for the first day of orientation tomorrow... Hope it will all turn out well :)

This year NY is pretty competitive, some with 7 points after deduction couldn't get in. So I seriously had zero possibility of entering even though its just a point difference haha. But actually I'm satisfied with SA, its near my house and the school spirit seems strong. Heard that they work and play hard so that should be decent right. :)

I'm guessing the cut off for SA would be 8-9 points and NY would be 6-7 points for this year. Heard that AJ's cut off remained the same, 8-9 points. But I'm pretty sanguine that the cut off for these 3 colleges will increase next year because 2015's O level papers would be a tad bit more challenging. Again, that is just my speculation.


If you're taking O's this year, my advice is to start preparing now haha. Well actually, the best time to prepare would be during the december holidays when you're still in sec 3. Just finish up most of the TYS themes you've learnt. I only did that for amath to be honest haha... And that was only because Ms Woo was persistent in helping us excel. But anyway, work hard from now onwards and do not wait till the last minute.

For languages, I can assure you that it cannot be mastered it a short period of time.

You have to constantly practice, especially for EL. I suggest that you write 1 or 2 essays per week and let your teacher vet through it. Make sure that your flow of thoughts is clear and straightforward, grammar is immaculate and have some vocabulary of a commendable standard. That would easily earn you 20 marks and above for your essay. But it also depends on what topic you get, so luck counts as well.
As for HCL/CL, to be honest I was not completely focused haha.. I just really tried my best during the last few months and I hoped for a mere pass in HCL. In the end, I got a B4 which totally surprised me. But if you want to really make sure that you do well, just prepare ahead.

As for emath and amath, you just have to PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. Timing yourself is also imperative. For questions that you made a mistake, redo it over and over again. Time management is super important. You must must check your answers by redoing the questions.

Humanities... You just have to understand the concept well and answer the questions directly. Don't beat around the bush.

Sciences. Keep doing TYS because the questions are often repetitive, especially for MCQ. Challenge yourself with other schools' papers if you have the time.


I would say that one of the most important virtue to have during sec 4 would be resilience. Sec 4 life can be taxing and stressful, but only strong headed people can overcome it properly. So encourage one another! To be honest, the good friends I had in my class played a pivotal role in making my O level journey a smoother one. We went through those periods of doing time practices every week and that few minutes of our hearts racing while Ms Woo marked our papers in front of us. Trust me, it can be pretty intimidating watching her mark your paper LOL. But I guess after this journey eventually  comes to a closure, you can finally say: 'been there done that'  ;)

Hope you guys are happy with your JAE posting! For those who are appealing, good luck and I hope you'll get a place in your desired tertiary institution :)

Monday 26 January 2015

a week later

Allow me to update you guys on what has happened in my life haha.

Last Wednesday I went cafe hopping with Cindeh Jiahui Aloy and Wanlong at Holland V. Sadly Kaiwen had work that day so we went ahead without her :(
We went to 3 cafes and I must say it was really fun :D

PARK was our first stop and we ate our entree there. I ate the same thing the other time I went there with Felicia haha, the truffled mac and cheese is damn bomb ermaigod. Although the others thought it was mediocre :/  But trust me, its bomb.

Sunday Folks was really awesome as well, their waffles were out of this world <3 but the ice cream they had was just mehhh.

I swear once I ate this waffle, I could actually catapult into space.

The Earl Grey Lavender Tea Latte from d'Good Cafe was <3<3
I actually expected a rather diluted tea latte with just minor hints of earl grey and lavender, but I was proven wrong. You guys have to try it the next time you're at d'Good!


Okay so the next day, I went to stuff my face with food again :( NUUUUUUUU  SOMEONE STOP ME.

I went to Supply and Demand at Orchard Gateway with Felicia and their shrimp aglio olio was seriously so damn good. But really spicy haha. I don't know how can Felicia even add tabasco to hers lol.

Ooh Garlic Truffle Friessssssss

I would have liked it better if they used shoestring fries

A really good Hazelnut Latte :)))

They only have set lunches from Monday-Thursday so if you wanna save some money, remember to go on these few days haha.

I've mentioned in my previous blog post that I thought of buying superga sneakers... so I really went to the flagship store at wheelock place LOL. But they didn't have size 38 for the grey ones that I wanted so I had to place my order in advance and they'll inform me when the stock arrives.




Met Roxanne on Sunday because we had to go back to Chongfu for some discussion on the 100th year anniversary concert. It was awkward to be honest... Haven't went back to dance in 4 years LOL. But it was really haphazard? Laoshi did not have clear plans of how is she gonna make the most out of the dancers. Maybe its settled by now since we left earlier as we had a movie to catch at cineleisure haha.

We had a late lunch at 49seats at Orchard Central and their food was really good! Prices are reasonable as well. I ordered the seafood tom yum pasta because I saw many people raving about it on instagram and indeed... ITS HEAVENLY. Too bad I didn't take a photo if it. Its a cream based pasta by the way. Some people might find this concoction weird and distasteful, but I love it. Roxanne didn't liked it haha.

Look at those cheese fries. This is what you call cheese fries. But if they could have warmed the cheese a little, it would be purrrfect. Actually this tasted kinda like KFC's cheese fries? But they gave much more cheese than KFC hehe

The cafe also screens running man haha. When I was there they were showing that episode where they sat the roller coaster in Taiwan which I've sat!

Afterwards we went to watch The Theory of Everything at cineleisure and I thought it was a pretty poignant movie. But I have to say that the storyline is rather monotonous, not many exciting scenes. Anyway, this movie is just based on Steven Hawking's life so haha can't complain.


Going swimming with Felicia tomorrow at OCC! I haven't been to OCC in a very long time actually... even though I'm a member.

Posting results will be out this Thursday so... good luck to everyone!
I'll be going back to school for dance with Roxanne on Thursday, can't wait :DDD

Notice: If you are an AYW member, please 'like' the new Facebook page (CCHY Alumni Youth Wing) as we will not be updating the Facebook group anymore. We will also not send mass messages to inform AYW members on upcoming events for garnering of manpower, we'll only do that on our social media sites (Instagram and Facebook).  It would be a great help to us if you would take the initiative to check AYW's social media platforms regularly for any updates and event notifications so that you'll not miss out events organised by AYW. Thanks :)

okay byee guise

Monday 19 January 2015


So today is Monday and its the start of a new week...

But anyway today is a pretty mundane day. I'm just at home typing away on this blog and watching some new channels on youtube.

Met up with da cray cray girls yesterday for a steamboat dinner at Golden Mile Complex! Its always a joy to meet up with them :) Those random and sporadic bursts of hysterical laughter are precious mental figments of a carefree adolescent. Wow I just made a complicated sentence right there lol.

We straight up smelt like chicken soup after we were done with dinner, urgh. And yeah we conquered the streets of bugis smelling like chickens after dinner :D
I bought some CNY clothing at bugis! Quite a steal though. A pleated midi for $20! The other time I bought a royal blue pleated midi at JCube for $28 I think? I just wasted $8 right there -.-


This morning when I woke up, I suddenly thought of purchasing superga sneakers LOL. What the hell is wrong with me. Maybe I should buy it hehe... *sardonic smirk right there*

JC orientation is gonna start in 2 weeks?! Shiat... I'm not sure if I can wake up at 6am again :(
The holidays have officially screwed up my body clock. Especially since its after a major exam.


Mr Chang has decided to treat us to a steakhouse at Ngee Ann City instead of a movie because the theatre is not available I think. But seriously I saw the menu and its god damn exorbitant?! Can't believe Mr Chang is willing to spend this amount of money for our class. But sadly I don't think I'm going... Timie and Peh are not going and Theresia is overseas so no point going without any one of them :(
Gonna say goodbye to a once in a lifetime free super atas food.


By the way, Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars' new single is damn good ;)

Saturday 17 January 2015


So I've submitted my JAE on thursday night and I just felt this surge of relief in me haha. I'll just leave it to lady luck in granting me the college I'm attending :)

Omg if you haven't heard Maroon 5's new song 'Sugar', GO AND LISTEN IT NOW. Its pretty good and the concept is so unique!!! Who wouldn't want Adam Levine to crash your wedding? Not me *wiggles finger* (he's damn hawt ermaigerd)

Mrs Choo treated us to Seoul Garden yesterday and it was a 3 hour buffet for $10 :O  pretty awesome right ahahaha
Zhaoyuan retorted that Marcus' black dyed hair looks synthetic, which I absolutely concur with LOL

Going to have 鱼头炉 tomorrow night at Nicoll Highway with Sotong Jiahui and Xinying! I've mentioned in a previous blogpost before that we're going to meet in Feb but we just couldn't wait to see one another again!!!

Next Tuesday I'm gonna head back school for AYW meeting and then Wednesday I'm going cafe hopping at Holland V with Kaiwen Jiahui Cindy Aloy and Wanlong :D
Friday I'm meeting Felicia for lunch and girlie time and then Mr Chang is treating our class to a movie on Saturday at vivo or suntec I think.. Woohoo!!! Sunday I'm going back to Chongfu with Roxanne for some discussion on the school anniversary concert thingy.

What a busy week :D


I made flourless (gluten free) banana pancakes today morning and it turned out to be mehhh. There's just too much moisture :( I think I put too many bananas haha

Flourless pancakes are not really a good idea lol.. Unless you're a health freak I guess.

Looks decent but not judge it by its appearance haha

okay bye.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

dilemma . distress .

Okay so results are out and mine are just average haha. And I'm also feeling so so.
But I was super glad that I got A1 for EL, because the paper this round was a little surprising so was quite worried that I couldn't secure the desired grade. My L1R5 after deduction is really not here not there. 8 points is the most troublesome point to get I swear (for the JCs I want to go to haha) .

Now the problem is WHICH SCHOOL.

Yesterday I just got really confused because I got influenced by some people about the JCs I'm considering.

The day when I received my results, I really wanted to try out NYJC but after attending their open house with Roxanne we were kinda disappointed that we might not make it after her mum talked with the teachers there.

Afterwards we went to SAJC, which was a really vibrant school with lots of hot guys LOL. But the culture there is just really different and new to me, coming from chinese cultured schools for both primary and secondary education. Chinese school students are usually more demure and shy while 'Angmoh' school students are more boisterous and lively. So yeah have to adapt to the culture. But I guess as long as you're not much of an introvert, adapting to it would not be much of a problem.

Then we headed to AJC's open house and my first impression was:  Hmm.. This school looks way too decrepit? Is the environment even conducive for studying...?
But I guess maybe friends and teachers are more pivotal than the school facilities haha. The teachers looked nice though.

SRJC looks new and the culture seems cheerful, but I don't think its one of my front few choices.

So now... I have kinda relinquished NYJC as one of my choices. But I'm still not quite sure. If I don't put NYJC as my first choice then it would be better not to put it, because it defeats the affiliation priority. So if NYJC is not one of my choices then AJC would be my first choice. I think. Everything is not confirmed yet.

 Aiya I didn't expect JAE to be such a taxing activity like seriously -.-''' and the period of application they gave us is a little short.


Okay enough of JAE that sickening epidemic distressing us adolescents ><

Didn't managed to send Theresia off to batam :(((

Hopefully she's coming back to SG before she heads back to Indo for good. We hardly met up with her during our post-Os holidays because she was always overseas.



I am supposed to head for cafe hopping with the sc peeps today but it was postponed to next Monday so... I am damn bored now. I should probably decide on the subject combination that I want to take up in JC.

Saturday 10 January 2015

S1OC'15 Campfire Night!

S1OC'15 Campfire night was yesterday and it was the first ever indoor campfire I've ever attended LOL. It drizzled a little so we had to move up to the MPH. 

Attended the campfire with the fellow AYW peeps and it was awesomeeee :DDD

Haha aloy's unimpressed face XD


Met up with primary school friends last week :D 

It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be haha, we still had the same sense of humour and xinying still likes to tease sotong :P

Hope to meet these girls soon! We plan to meet again next month for CNY so hopefully it works out well :)


2 more days before I collect my results :O


I swear the nearer it gets to 12 Jan, the more torturous it gets. So many possibilities are flashing in my mind. So many ' what-ifs ' :OOO

If you're reading this and you're collecting your results on 12 Jan, may the force be with you! 

One thing that I'm really curious would be Mrs Lee's reaction to our results hahahah


I'm currently watching Birth of a Beauty :D 

Its a k-drama and I've only watched up till episode 3 but its really good <3 
But its a little similar to 200 pounds of beauty for the idea of the plot. 


Okay bye I'm going to watch my drama (pun intended) 

Friday 2 January 2015

Family Trip to Taiwan!

Hey guise! I just came back from Taiwan 2 days ago on NYE just in time for the countdown :D

I swear 8 days passed by damn fast... :(

But the trip was really fun and the people in my tour group were pretty nice. :)

At first I saw this guy in my tour group and my first impression of him was... HE LOOKS LIKE WESLEY FROM WONGFU AND MOMO!!!!
But after a few days later, I found out that actually there's only a minor resemblance LOL.

I guess the highlight of the trip would have to be that super amazing roller coaster at Leofoo Themepark.


Luckily the wongfu lookalike guy volunteered to ride it with me, or else I wouldn't dare to ride it alone hahaha.

And we actually rode it twice. :D

Cingjing Farm was also <3

I never knew Taiwan has such a picturesque and serene place :O

Not gonna let the scenery go to waste, hence a dance-y pic ;)


I'm so elated that I'm gonna meet my primary school best friends tomorrow!!! Can't believe we actually have not met for 4 years?! Too busy with secondary school is my excuse :P

We'll probably have not enough time to chat about our life happenings for the past 4 years tomorrow haha~



If you have not followed CCHY AYW's instagram account @cchyayw, PLEASE DO SO! :D

Our Facebook page is a public page so feel free to join in ( CCHY Alumni Youth Wing) !

These social media platforms will be updated regularly accordingly with AYW activities in 2015 :)

Plus! AYW EXCO 2014, EXCO 2015 and Project Leaders 2015 will be coming to S1OC'15 campfire night on 9 Jan 2015. Remember to show some love!

okay bye.